Safety training programs should never be considered an arbitrary expense for a business or corporation.
Safety programs and employee manuals are a priceless addition to a workplace’s onboarding, training, and safety training initiatives.
A safety training program for employees, or just safety training ideas in general, should always be part of a workplace environment.
The human, reputational, and financial costs of not doing so can be staggering.
Safety training, preparation, and workplace guidelines must be a vital part of any workplace operational infrastructure to ensure success.
Employee Safety Statistics and the Costs of Negligence
The staggering costs of on-site and preventable work injuries are detrimental to employees and employers alike.
According to a National Safety Council study, workplace injuries cost employers over $170.8 billion to mitigate. That estimate is the equivalent of paying $1,100 per injured worker, or about $1.2 million per work-related death.
Every work-related injury costs employers $41,000 for a professional medical consultation alone.
Over 70 million cumulative work hours were lost in 2018 due to workplace accidents.
A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study suggests that over 15% of all work-related accidents and injuries occurred in the manufacturing industry.
A recent Centers for Disease Control report states that over 27% of workplace accidents occurred due to falling, slipping, and tripping. Over 2.5 million workers needed emergency room treatment for work-related injuries in 2018.
About 1,300 workers died in 2018 due to workplace injuries.
What you should keep in mind is that these numbers are just estimates. These statistical figures only reflect officially reported on-site work injuries.
The exact figures of unreported workplace accidents may never be known.
The Necessity of a Safety Training Program
The types of safety training guidelines or programs you may require depends on your industry.
What is evident is that no matter the type of business you run, it requires a safety training program.
If you need help brainstorming relevant safety training topics, consult Arrow Up Training today.
Now, here are some safety topics to include in your employee training program and a word on OSHA.
Related – What Does it Mean to be OSHA Compliant (During COVID-19)?
OSHA and Safety Training
The task of developing workplace safety training topics for an employee training program is not a voluntary measure for any company. This fact is especially true for companies with hazard-prone manufacturing or labor-intensive workplaces.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which was created via the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, is a federal workplace regulatory body.
Any safety training program for employees you develop must be OSHA compliant. That means that your workplace must be free of preventable dangers and be as safe as possible for employees.
Preventing Workplace Violence
Did you know that employees are 18x more likely to face an active shooter in your workplace than a fire?
About 74% of workers reported being the victims of domestic violence or harassment while at work. And yet, over 65% of businesses do not have safety training programs to prevent domestic violence in the workplace.
The best offense is defense when it comes to potential workplace violence. Businesses should aspire to detect, identify, and prevent potential workplace dangers before they occur.
There should be a zero-tolerance workplace policy for disrespect and violence. Assess potential workplace vulnerabilities, dangers, and encourage employees to report harassment or threats.
Then augment security accordingly. Develop workplace training guidelines to deal with domestic violence and active shooters as you would a fire drill.
Related – 10 Types of Workplace Harassment & How to Make them Stop
Proper Equipment Utilization
If you oversee a business in the manufacturing, factory floor, restaurant, fast food, or service industry sector, then you definitely require a safety training program for employees.
Along with requirements to stay OSHA compliant, you risk the safety of employees, consumers, lawsuits, and reputational harm if you don’t properly train employees on how to use workplace equipment.
Develop detailed training programs, guidelines, or manuals for best use practices relative to using workplace machinery or equipment. New employees should be well versed in such workplace safety training programs before they start work.
Over 80% of companies have seen a dramatic increase in cyber attacks since the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic. In fact, office email phishing attempts have increased by over 600% since the start of 2020.
The threat of phishing and cyberattacks are only increasing with the rise of telecommuting and the hybridized workplace model. Since May 2020, over 41.6% of the available jobs in the United States are remote working positions.
Develop a best practices training program with cybersecurity, phishing, and online work safety guidelines to empower your employees and protect your company.
Fire Drills
According to a National Fire Protection Association report, there were over 3,340 fires in offices and workplaces between 2007 to 2011. Businesses suffered a loss of $112 million in property and workplace damages due to fire.
Office fire drills and making sure employees know where fire exits are located are OSHA-required mandates for employee training. Your employees must know what to do and where to go if a fire occurs.
Most businesses may not want employees trying to fight workplace fires for safety reasons and to avoid litigation. Depending on your industry, designated employees may need to be trained on how to use a fire extinguisher for various contingencies.
Assess Threats Before They Occur With Employee Training Programs
Understand the potential and future safety needs of your employees as much as possible. Realistically assess any existing vulnerabilities and dangers in the workplace.
Then, brainstorm a list of safety topics for inclusion in your employee training program. Use the statistics and data relative to your business, industry, and employee inputs you collect to create an employee training program or manual for best safety practices.
Safety-centric employee training program topics may need to be updated regularly, annually, or as per regulatory decree.
If you need help developing topics for your employee training program, contact Arrow Up Training.
Related – How to Properly Train and Keep Employees Safe During COVID-19